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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Black Swan: Grounding Through Dance

I went to see “Black Swan” with a friend over the holiday weekend. It was definitely as creepy as I thought it would be, yet surprisingly beautiful at the same time. A “Psychological Thriller,” maybe? A movie about the often bumpy road toward transformation, definitely!
Putting aside all the gore and psychotic, dream-like sequences, I was mostly moved by the main character’s desire to dance. This unwavering commitment to an art form that has the ability to transcend all of life’s hardships was truly something to behold. Her passion for graceful movement had a kind of life grip to it that made it easy to see that it was the main thing that kept her going. When stripped down to it’s bare bones, their really wasn’t anything else in this girl’s life that could remotely get her through the challenge she was being forced to undertake. It was the one thing that kept her human when everything else was crumbling around her. The one thing she held on to during a process that could have easily lead her astray. A kind of touchstone that kept her on course in the darkness of the unknown.
Looking at my own life, I wonder what is the current touchstone for me? During my thirties it was definitely my kids. Nothing seemed more important than meeting their daily needs. As they got older, I realized that they not only counted on me for stability but that I was counting on them as well. As I watched them watch me, I too began to get a new perspective on who I was to them and who I was to myself. They acted as my little mirrors and kept me humble and motivated to change that in me that was no longer useful or helpful.
Most recently, my touch stone has become writing. To bring that which floats around in my head all day down to a place that makes sense to my everyday life. Resembling a loop, I bring my outer experiences to a place of self-examination and then reconcile it in a way that makes sense to me and hopefully others. No longer separate, my desire is to both transcend and ground that which brings wholeness to myself and those around me.
For my husband, this centrifugal force seems to be music. It seems to “fill his well,” so to speak. He can put up with his day job as long as he has his music to keep him transcending that which can easily become mundane and life-sucking. Call it his “passion” or “reason for being,” I am grateful that he has learned to honor that which keeps him most vital and alive.
I guess this is how it is for most of us? Finding that one thing which transforms the extraordinary into the ordinary of daily living. That thing that keeps it real, down-to-earth and out of the intertwining clouds of thought. What is this for you reader? We’d like to hear.
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1 comment:

J.Bergstrom said...

My touch stone is my Lord Jesus Christ. Without Him there is no Hope for the present or future. He is Truth and without Him there is no truth. Without Him I can do nothing.
He is everything to me and I have heaven to look forward to.
Thank you!
